Restaurants in Vitacura

In recent years, the district of Vitacura has become one of the most outstanding gastronomic destinations in the Chilean capital. This area of Santiago has developed gastronomic poles or sectors that offer a wide variety of options for all tastes and budgets.

One of the aspects that characterizes these sectors is the high quality of the restaurants and cafes found there. In these establishments you can enjoy an excellent service, a careful decoration and, of course, a first class gastronomy. From international food restaurants to coffee shops specializing in pastries or specialty coffee, in Vitacura you can find options for all palates.

With a wide variety of options for all tastes and budgets, these spaces have become must-visit destinations for those seeking a first-class culinary experience.

This 2024 we recommend:

La Mesa @lamesa_chile
Boragó @boragoscl
Lolita Jones @lolitajones_cl
Buriana @burianaristorante
Casa Sanz @casasanzb
La Picanteria @lapicanteria_cl
Kintaro Ramen Bar @kintaroramenbar
Arca Bar @arca_cl
Dondoh @dondohsantiago
Brunapoli @brunapolipizza
Osaka @osakasantiago
Pescados Capitales @pescadoscapitaleschile
Naoki @naokichile
Larrs Ice Cream Parlor @heladeria_larrs
Cuerovaca @cuerovacarestaurant