We are starting to celebrate the French week in Chile!
To celebrate this special date for many of our expats, we leave you our selection of cafes, restaurants and French food delivery, for all tastes and occasions, that will make you feel at home.
- Castillo Forestal (https://castilloforestal.cl/)
- El Franchute del Barrio (https://menu.fu.do/elfranchutedelbarrio)
- Café Etienne Marcel (https://www.etienne-marcel.cl/)
- Hélène de Fleurac (https://helenedefleurac.com/)
- Baco Restaurant (https://baco.rest/)
- Le Bistrot de Gaëtan (https://lebistrot.cl/)
- Les Dix Vins (https://www.lesdixvins.cl/)
- La Chocolatine (https://chocolatine.cl/)
- Eric Kayser (https://www.erickayser.cl/)
- Los Canallas (https://linktr.ee/Loscanallascl)
- Aligot (https://aligot.cl/)
- Epaté (https://www.epate.cl/)
- Bocanáriz (https://bocanariz.cl/)
- La Cascade (https://www.lacascade.cl/)