Part of our work and philosophy at Golondrina is to highlight and make visible the initiatives of different Chilean creators in all areas.
Living in a new country should be an integral experience and in this plays an important role to know and value its gastronomy, landscapes, cultural activities and, why not, the national design and manufacturing.
As December begins, we invite you to take advantage of these holidays to give local and meaningful gifts. Here is a selection of national design and production brands in different categories:
Calzado / Footwear:
Cerámica / Ceramics:
Cosmética / Cosmetics:
Cueros / Leather:
Mobiliario y Decoración / Furniture and Decoration:
Hierbas e infusiones / Herbs and infusions:
Infantil / Children’s:
Joyas / Jewelry:
Lentes / Lenses:
Libros / Books:
Licores / Liquors:
Plantas / Plants:
Varios / Others:
Vestuario / Clothing: